Thursday, October 25, 2012

Designer, illustrator, artist? All of the above.

The faces of humanity, especially in children, who they are and the hints of who they may become continue to intrigue. Creating portraits from my original photographs expands with the addition of some new work.

This fall has also seen a rise in not-for-profit projects. Helping the community is rewarding and keeps things busy.

Thursday, June 14, 2012

At long last…

Finally, after years of upholding the shoemaker's daughter's tradition, I am delighted to introduce the official website, showcasing a representative sampling of the projects and range of my business, Jodi Luby & Company, Inc. To celebrate this milestone, I have given myself a new logo, with a nod to life in the country, while remaining committed to the JL&Co. signature clean and sophisticated look.

One of the toughest tasks of putting the site together was selecting which projects to show, so much good stuff and only so much navigation, what to do? Unfortunately the answer is edit. In most cases, for every project shown, there are a dozen left in the shadows of my backup drive, and having to pick favorites, many have been cruelly left behind. That said, it's a good look at what can be done, with many an update to come. Happy perusing!

Thursday, April 5, 2012

About April…

After a brief warm weather tease, like the season work is a little betwixt and between, finishing and starting, and reflecting on new directions all the while. Some clients are progressing to the next phase: Armoire Chocolat has opened a charming cafe in Seattle, Square Bites is introducing a new product, and Oxmoor House/Time Inc. is trying a very new and visually arresting approach to a new cookbook series. Here is a sampling of the winter work…

From modest beginnings of a few chocolate bars, Armoire Chocolat is blossoming into a fully realized business venture with a delicious line of pastries, confections, and of course chocolate.

Square Bites has developed an absolutely addicting toffee cookie (more flavors to come).
Logo and label design by Jodi Luby & Company.

Southern Living's "What's for Supper" direct marketing promotion will be in the mail by the end of the month.

On the portrait front, several in the works, this one complete.
